We are building the foundations of club culture in Slovakia

Do you regularly visit many clubs with us and do you like good music as much as we do? We run a community DJ Room and are currently launching podcasts about culture and music. To help us breathe easier, help us with your 2% to build the foundation of the community center.

🙋‍♂️ I file my own tax return

If you are employed or have been working part-time(not self-employed), reach for the A.
If you are in business( self-employed/ self-employed), you file your return electronically. You're picking B.
  • FO Tax Return Form Type B - fill in our details in Section XII of your tax return. Your pattern is a few centimetres lower.

Here are both key page samples to show our data:

👨‍💼 Ďanové priznanie za mňa podáva zamestnávateľ alebo mám svoju účtovníčku

Iba im skopči tieto údaje, poradia si:

Názov združenia:O. Z. Prasiatko
Právna forma:Združenie
Sídlo:Muškátová 794/46, 82101 Bratislava

💸 If your tax return has already been filed

1. You need to ask your employer for an Income TaxCertificate.
It looks like this. If you served yourself, you already have it.

2. Then you print and fill in your details correctly in this declaration:

3. These are then both sent together or brought to your tax office.

If you want to help but feel lost in the red tape, drop us a line on Facebook or email us. Together we're gonna make it.